Back and Upper Limb: Lectures and Laboratories - Handouts, Learning Objectives, and Laboratory Identifications

Back: Skeleton, Muscles, Function (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 7-20) - Monday, 10/16/2017, Dr. Evey

Back: Suboccipital Region, Vertebral Canal, and Spinal Cord (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 14-19) - Wednesday, 10/18/2017, Dr. Evey

Upper Limb: Overview and Scapular Region (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 21-30 ) - Friday, 10/20/2017, Dr. Evey

Axilla and Brachial Plexus (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 30-34) - Monday, 10/23/2017, Dr. Evey

Arm and Cubital Fossa (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 34-39) - Wednesday, 10/25/2017, Dr. Evey

Flexor Region of the Forearm (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 40-46 - Wednesday, 10/25/2017, Dr. Evey


Palm of Hand (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 46-52) - Friday, 10/27/2017, Dr. Evey

Extensor Region of the Forearm and Dorsum of Hand (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 53-55) - Friday, 10/27/2017, Dr. Evey

Joints of the Upper Limb (Grant's Dissector 15th Ed. Pages 57-62) - Friday, 10/27/2017, Dr. Evey


Ancillary Presentations

Clinical Correlates




  • Is there an easy way for me to make PDF files from my lecture available on the twiki? -- AnnaKober - 21 Sep 2011


-- WikiGuest - 25 Oct 2024
Topic revision: r10 - 16 Oct 2023, LorenEvey
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